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Cosmetic Dentistry – Franklin Park, IL

Enhance the Appearance of Your Smile & Boost Your Confidence

When you catch a passing glimpse of your smile in the mirror, do you automatically hide it behind tight lips because you’re unhappy with the way it looks? Whether you face dental discoloration, crooked teeth, or damaged teeth, it’s hard to build your confidence when those features are among the first that onlookers notice about you. Our team offers a variety of custom-tailored treatments for cosmetic dentistry in Franklin Park, IL to transform your smile into one that you feel proud to show off.

Why Choose Grand Dental - Franklin Park for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Porcelain Veneers

Patient's teeth compared with porcelain veneer color chart during cosmetic dentistry visit

Veneers are a versatile, one-stop-shop treatment to fix a variety of flaws, including severe discoloration, dental damage, and even slightly misaligned teeth. They’re thin, durable shells that are custom-shaded to match the color of your enamel. Once placed over the visible surface of the teeth that you want to have repaired, they’ll reveal a complete and beautiful smile in place of your old one.

Learn More About Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Dentist examining patient's smile after metal free dental restoration

Restorations that were made from gold, silver, and nickel are outdated-looking, noticeable, and can cause side-effects like gum discoloration and tooth sensitivity. Today, we use natural-looking materials like porcelain and ceramic to craft crowns and fillings from. Not only are these gentler on your gums, but they also provide a more secure bond.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Patient receiving cosmetic dental bonding treatment

Do you have a chip, crack, or gap in your teeth that makes your smile look incomplete and unsymmetrical? Cosmetic bonding is a cost-effective, fast, and painless solution that can make your smile look complete and undamaged. Using a biocompatible composite resin, we’ll re-sculpt the missing portion of your teeth and texturize it to look natural. Once the treatment is complete, you’ll be able to leave with a smile that helps you feel more confident.

Teeth Whitening

Young woman's flawless smile after teeth whitening treatment

Are you tired of using store-bought teeth whitening kits that don’t deliver the results that they promise? You can brighten your smile using safe, effective, and clinically proven treatments from your professional, such as Opalescence take-home teeth whitening kits. Within two weeks, you’ll be able to achieve noticeable results that last. To learn more about the process, contact us today!

Gum Recontouring

Woman's perfected smile after gum recontouring treatment

If you have a disproportionate ratio of teeth to gums that makes your smile appear more pink than white, you can benefit from gum recontouring. Our cosmetic dentist will reshape your gumline to reveal more of your healthy, beautiful teeth, so you can dawn a smile that you always feel like showing off.

Crown Lengthening

Woman's perfected smile after crown lengthening

In order to place restorations like veneers and crowns, we may need to remove some excess gum tissue to allow them to comfortably fit over the visible or biting surfaces of teeth. This procedure is call crown lengthening, and allows us to achieve ideal results when placing prosthetics.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cost of cosmetic dentistry in Franklin Park

Before we can determine the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Franklin Park, our team needs to evaluate the patient’s smile. First, we must examine the problem areas and identify which type of treatment(s) will produce the best possible results. After that point, we can go through how much you can expect to pay. Keep in mind that dental insurance will likely not cover any of the cost for cosmetic services, but we provide alternative payment options such as CareCredit and our in-house membership plan.

Which Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

Dentist using shade guide in Franklin Park

With the expertise of a cosmetic dentist in Franklin Park, you can know which cosmetic dental service is perfect for treating your tooth or gum flaws. At Grand Dental Group – Franklin Park, our team can recommend one of the following:

  • Porcelain Veneers: As thin sheaths made of porcelain, these tiny coverings are adhered over the front surfaces of imperfect teeth. The entire treatment process takes two visits and can last a decade or longer with basic care. Compared to other cosmetic solutions, veneers cost more, but they are more versatile and can alter the shape, size, and color of teeth.
  • Metal-Free Dental Restorations: For severely decayed or damaged teeth, dental crowns offer protection and stability. Many patients prefer a natural-looking restoration, which is why we can provide metal-free options that look exactly like real teeth. Depending on how many crowns you need or want, this can be a costly option.
  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding: When it comes to affordability, cosmetic dental bonding is a great option for improving smiles. Mostly used for minor flaws, the shaded composite resin hides cracks, chips, and other imperfections and can last several years. Plus, it is typically performed in just one visit.
  • Teeth Whitening: If stains are your only concern, teeth whitening will likely be our recommendation. Results can be produced quickly in one hour in the office or over two weeks at home, according to your preference. Either way, our high-grade bleaching gel can eliminate stains and give you a drastically whiter smile.
  • Gum Recontouring: Gum recontouring offers a permanent way to create a balance between teeth and gums in your smile. We can remove excess gum tissue around the teeth, elongating the natural structures and giving you a more pleasing aesthetic.
  • Crown Lengthening: Similar to gum recontouring, this procedure is recommended when a more tooth structure is required for a customized restoration like a crown or bridge.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be An Investment Worth Making

Man pleased with cosmetic treatment in Franklin Park

Although cosmetic procedures are largely focused on aesthetics, the benefits extend to an individual’s oral and overall well-being also. Fixing gaps, stained teeth, or gummy smiles can have a positive effect on self-esteem, and having bright, beautiful results can encourage you to adopt good oral hygiene habits for a healthier smile and body year after year.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

Man smiling in Franklin Park

Unfortunately, most dental insurance companies do not include coverage for elective cosmetic procedures, but patients can look to alternative payment options. At Grand Dental Group – Franklin Park, we proudly partner with CareCredit, a financing company that offers low and no-interest payment plans to those who qualify. There are no surprise fees, so patients can feel confident and comfortable paying for their treatment over time.

You also have the option of enrolling in our Grand Advantage Plan. With a one-time yearly fee, you gain access to basic preventive care as well as valuable discounts on other available services, including cosmetic care.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

How Do I Know If I Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

Meeting with a cosmetic dentist at Grand Dental – Franklin Park will help determine the severity of your smile imperfections and which services will be most effective. If you do not like any of the following, you may find that cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve your desired results:

  • Stained or discolored teeth
  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Misshapen teeth

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

Cosmetic dentistry is known for being more expensive because most dental insurance companies will not cover the cost of treatment. However, it does not mean that it is unaffordable. At Grand Dental – Franklin Park, our dentists provide flexible financing through Alphaeon Credit and CareCredit, both of which offer low and no-interest monthly payment plans. We also provide the Grand Advantage Plan that is available for those who are without insurance. By paying the membership fee, you can receive a 20% discount on all available services. It is through these payment options that you can pursue cosmetic dental treatment without incurring the high upfront cost you might otherwise pay out of pocket.

How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

Each cosmetic dental service has its own lifespan, so the longevity of your results will vary depending on which type of treatment you receive. A general timeframe for the services we provide looks like this:

  • 15 years for veneers
  • 5-10 years for cosmetic dental bonding
  • 15 years for metal-free restorations
  • 6 months – 2 years for teeth whitening

Gum recontouring and crown lengthening are the only services that do not require touch-ups or replacements over time.

With this information, you can decide which type of cosmetic treatment you want to invest in for a longer-lasting smile.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Worth It?

Yes, cosmetic dentistry is worth the investment because of its ability to change your physical appearance as well as your mental health and well-being. It also has many oral health benefits. By covering gaps with veneers, you can reduce your chances of developing gum disease and tooth decay. By receiving a metal-free restoration, you can better protect your teeth from reinfection.

Many patients who receive cosmetic dentistry find that they have a more positive outlook on life because of the way their smile looks. The increased confidence of a fully transformed smile is known to help an individual make a good first impression, which can be beneficial in the workforce and in one’s personal life.

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